Multihulls Solutions Regatta Phuket and Cape Panwa Hotel Phuket Raceweek.
By Bob Mott
Photos by: Scott Murray, Kim Mitchell, Ghislaine Bovy/GiGi, Helicam Asia, Bob Mott.
Charts and sailing information provided courtesy of Southeast Asia Pilot
You could say the Multihull Solutions Regatta (ninth year) and Cape Panwa Hotel Phuket Raceweek (12th Year) are pretty well joined at the hip with the two events linked and covering two consecutive weekends in July.
This year it all kicked off with an easy going opening party with crew weigh-in and registration at Multihull Solutions Regatta on Thursday evening July 9. The organisers of the two events were lucky to have their events at all this year, considering the effects of three building lows developing into typhoons in the South China Sea, sucking winds from Thailand’s west coast creating winds of 30kts and gusting higher.