Fountaine Pajot Orana 44 “Scallywag” Off to Fiji!

Posted: 4 August 2011 9:58:59 AM AEST.

Hi All,

Well we finally left Opua yesterday at 1000 after the last month frantically getting ready for a passage. We just completed a good 24hr run of 213nm (8.8 knot ave) in very lively conditions.

We are skirting a low off to the east of us, its moving ESE so we should be NW of the worst by tomorrow morning. Last night we had consistent 30+ knot winds and 3 to 4 metre seas. The seas were hitting us on the starboard quarter, pushing Scally about and giving the autopilot a good workout.

Not the best conditions but another 24hrs should see some improvement giving us a good passage north. We have Keith and Christine with us making the watches a lot easier. We’re all looking forward to warmer weather although I’ve just seen the temp rise to 21c in the cabin with the sun shinning through the windows, maybe we’ll be able to venture outside tomorrow.

Paul, Gloria, Keith & Christine, SV Scallywag

Current Position:

32 15’14.61 S, 175 40’02.11 E

11-08-04 11:57:03 +1200 +0000,175.6673&q=-32.25406,175.6673&z=16

Posted: 5 August 2011 8:47:08 AM AEST.

Subject: Good progress in lively conditions.

Hi All,

Another good 24hr run of 208nm averaging 8.6 knots. The wind has moved more to the south this morning so we are now goose winged to maintain a heading for Fiji. We still have 20 knots of wind but the boat speed has dropped to about 6.5 knots. We may change down from the 3rd to the 2nd reef in the main if these conditions continue. The swell is still about 3m with the occasional bigger one.

We sighted 3 ships during the night, only one had AIS operating.

At times Glor likes to challenge the laws of science. Coming off watch, first night out, it was the law of gravity that came in for some experimentation. You know, what goes up must come down. Well Glor attempted to invert this law. Problem was I was asleep on her test bed. Not the most romantic way to be woken. Alls good now as Christine has given her a Japanese, quack, mal de mer, pill, so the world of science can rest easy again and hopefully, so can I.

Temperature is rising but not warm enough to sit outside yet.

Paul, Gloria, Keith & Christine, SV Scallywag

Current Position:

29 44’49.88 S, 177 08’51.01 E

11-08-05 10:34:43 +1200 +0000,177.1475&q=-29.74719,177.1475&z=16

Posted: 8 August 2011 10:17:02 AM AEST

Subject: Still flying

Hi All,

A little later with the report today, been trying to catch up on last nights lost sleep. It’s coming up to midday so I’ll give you a position then. I’m on watch on my own at the moment and we’re heading for a big black cloud on the horizon. Not what we headed up here for but at least the temp has climbed to 26c. The conditions could be described as lively, 2m seas and 27 knots of wind. Scally is crashing through the waves at around 9 knots but feels relaxed about it. Yesterday’s 24hr run was 225nm, 5nm short of our PB. The forecast is for these conditions to continue through to our arrival sometime tomorrow.

It’s two watches now since I added another number to the latest suduko.

Paul, Gloria, Keith & Christine, SV Scallywag

Current Position:

21 00’56.41 S, 177 34’07.03 E

11-08-08 12:16:28 +1200 +0000,177.5686&q=-21.01567,177.5686&z=16

Posted: 9 August 2011 8:30:53 AM AEST

Subject: Fiji hasn’t moved

Hi All,

We first sighted Fiji at 0800 this morning, great feeling. Yesterday afternoon and last night was the worst of the trip, 30 knot winds and 4m seas, a little like me (confused), hitting us broadside , Scally took a battering. The forecast today is for showers and we had some earlier on but now the sun is out and it’s a beautiful day, 29c in the cabin. Caught our first fish 15 mins ago, maybe due to the lure being in the water for the first time. It was a bloody huge skippy but it went back, wrong colour flesh apparently.

Yesterday’s 24hr run was 214nm, our second best day. Our average daily mileage is 208nm and we should be through the pass by 1500 this afternoon making the trip 6 days 5 hours.

It’s been a fast, wet but enjoyable trip with good crew. Thanks for your company on passage, until next time.

Paul, Gloria, Keith & Christine, SV Scallywag

Current Position:

18 24’22.28 S, 177 12’00.46 E

11-08-09 10:29:56 +1200 +0000,177.2001&q=-18.40619,177.2001&z=16

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