More from “Dreamer” – Cape Leveque to Coppermine Creek and beyond…

Once again we find ourselves doing it soooooooo tough!!!

Spent a couple of nights at Cape Leveque getting snap happy with the camera…more sunsets, amazing white to red cliffs on turquoise water(an oil painters paradise)..Will we ever get sick of it?..Me thinks not!! Went for a walk up to the lighthouse and then down into the “resort” which looked very much like a caravan park to me??? Looks a lot flasher on the website …Kooljaman at Cape it!!! Nice place to stop for an icecream though.

So anyhoo, our gorgeous traveling companions Murray and Marilyn on Uluru have caught up with us and we set off together for Coppermine Creek catching a few spotted mackerel along the way. It was looking like it was going to be a pretty quick trip with just over 40nm to cover and we got off to a great start. About half way across King Sound and more so upon entering the passage between Hidden and Gagg Islands things started to look a little shaky…OMG those tidal currents are an awesome thing!!! The wind dropped to a measly 4 – 8kts, our boat speed had dropped right off, so we cranked the motors up hitting currents of 6kts and managing an amazing 1.7kts of SOG…just enough to maintain steerage. But to cut a long story short we made it, anchoring in Coppermine at 1630. And what an awesome sight to start to feel very small and insignificant on entering Coppermine and the Kimberlies (especially when the last time you saw a creek, it was a little stream on the family farm and this creek is as wide as the Swan River!!)

We’ve been here a couple of days now and feasted upon the biggest oysters I have ever eaten (so big we had to cook them Kilpatrick style), sighted our first native of the amphibious variety who just hung at the back of the boat and watched us for a couple of hours in the dark (those red glowing eyes are just a little creepy!!), seen a mother dolphin and her pup come right up to the boat, lost a mud crab pot and still not managed to catch one yet, still haven’t caught a Barra but have managed a Mangrove Jack and had a couple of visits from some Lemon Sharks.

Another of our boaty mates (a powercat called “Stillwaters”) arrived yesterday evening, so this evening will be sundowners on the foredeck of Dreamer where we will discuss the next leg of our journey while the sunsets on the splendor that is the Kimberlies…Tomorrow, Coppermine to Crocodile Creek and then onto Silver Gull Creek…so stay tuned!

Hope this email finds you all safe, well and following your own dreams.

Nikki and Cam

SV Dreamer

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